Children's Oncology
Ward Appeal
Brand new Oxford Children’s Hospital opened in 2007
A specialised centre for treating children with cancer
Up to half a million children are currently being treated in Oxford but at the moment, children's services are split over three sites in the city, and the wards are stretched to full capacity. The new Children's Hospital has integrated children's services in Oxfordshire and brought them all under one roof to the benefit of everyone.The new hospital is one of the 22 specialised centres where the majority of children with cancer are treated. Please see the Children’s Cancer and Leukaemia Group for more information about childhood cancer and the other specialised treatment centres throughout the UK -
The new hospital is benefitting children from a wide geographical area not just Oxfordshire. Children are referred to this specialised centre from Buckinghamshire, Berkshire, Northamptonshire, Wiltshire, parts of Gloucestershire and Warwickshire.

Children need to be cared for in an environment designed to minimize stress and anxiety
Children and their families deserve the best care in the best setting
Advances in medical science and practice increase the need for easy collaboration and consultation
The new Hospital has provided all of the above and more. With 106 beds, most of them with parent/carer beds next to them, improved classrooms, play space and sensory rooms, teaching and research facilities, more space for staff and patients - this is truly a child and family friendly Hospital housing 21st Century care. The new hospital has been designed to keep children safe, happy and comfortable during their visit. It has:
106 beds
18 en suite rooms for parents
dedicated access to operating theatres
a children's theatre recovery area
a day surgery unit
a day care unit
a dedicated X-ray dept.
community paediatrics
classrooms on two floors
seven playrooms
four outside play areas
a computer room
an area specially for adolescents
academic research facilities
a dedicated children's radiology area
Donations have reached £40,000, this money has been used to provide "The Thomas Ball Room" a spacious child/parent bedroom on the children's oncology ward. We have listed here some of the individuals and organisations who have helped to make this possible:
Barrie and June Butler licensees of The Three Horseshoes in Flackwell Heath have raised £1,821.10 from their recent maggot racing events. This fantastic amount of cash has given our appeal a much needed boost, many thanks to all those involved.
We've also had some fantastic donations thanks to the children of Prestwood. Prestwood Junior School raised £93 from their Harvest Festival for the appeal, and Prestwood Infant School raised £325 from a sponsored spell. Thanks go to the staff, parents and of course the children from both schools for all their hard work.
A group of local people who live in and around Prestwood call themselves "Blisterz". An appropriate name for a team who set themselves a tough challenge for the third year running. At the end of June, Blisterz walked the Jurassic coastline in Dorset which is about 60 miles and takes around 30 hours. We are delighted to receive the substantial donation raised in sponsorship of £2,115. Thanks guys we really appreciate your effort and support.
In November, Hannah McManus decided to forgo her 18th birthday presents and have her friends and family donate to the charity instead. A massive £545.35 has been very gratefully received. Hannah attends the Misbourne School in Great Missenden, where Thomas Ball was also a pupil when he died. Well done Hannah, what a lovely kind idea.
Chesham High School have donated £70 from their "Charity week" we are grateful to have been one of the chosen charities to benefit. Thanks to all those involved.
Class 9RPL at Beaconsfield High School were adventurous enough to conduct a presentation of the charity which resulted in the charity being chosen for the year. £160.37 has been raised. Thanks to everyone who made this possible.
The Inclusion Team at the Misbourne School in Gt. Missenden supported us again at Christmas by donating £50, we are grateful to the staff for being so thoughtful.
Butlers Court Combined School in Beaconsfield had a collection at their Christmas concerts and we were one of the many charities that they chose to support. We thank all the staff, parents & pupils for the £100 donation.
On Saturday 30th December, Twenty four volunteers helped with a street collection in High Wycombe town centre. The weather began sunny and dry but as the afternoon progressed we were all running for cover as the streets became rivers. In spite of this catastrophe we were able to collect an impressive £928. Sincere thanks go out to all our volunteers.
A wonderful donation of £794.00 has been received from Great Missenden Rotary Club. This substantial amount was a share of the proceeds from their Christmas float that stages Santa touring locally throughout the festive period. We thank the club for allowing us to be one of their chosen charities, the funds are much needed.
The members of Bowen Lodge in Chesham have been working hard and have managed to raise £200 towards our cause. Although only a small number of members we are delighted and very grateful for the money.
City Bash 2 Committee in Hemel Hempstead have donated £500 from a recent concert. Thanks go out to Debbie Nicholls for suggesting our cause after her nephew Thomas Howlett who suffers from leukaemia enjoyed our group holiday to Euro Disney at Christmas. We are very grateful to all those involved.
"Tom's 18th Birthday Bash" raised £1,400 between the raffle and donations. This emotional yet poignant evening saw friends and supporters of the charity come together for an extra special celebration where a good night was had by all as we remembered Tom. The trustees would like to thank all those kind people who made donations and supported the raffle.
Amersham & Chesham Lions Club have very kindly donated £500 towards our appeal. The club have supported the charity in the past and we were very glad to hear from them again with such good news. Thank you to all the members who made this possible.
Ziggie Ward took part in and directed an excellent production called "A Night at the Musicals" This vibrant show in Holmer Green was delivered to us by a group of eleven young people all aged under eighteen years who belong to a theatre group called PATADO. The ticket sales and donations amongst the supporters have resulted in £133.32 towards our appeal. Many thanks to Ziggie, the cast, helpers and the generous audience.
The charity's Sale and Family Fun Day raised £235.00 and the Rock 'n' Roll Evening has brought in a further £600.
A Craft Fair and a sponsored "Wheel Ride" are the two main events staged by the class of 9RPL at Beaconsfield High School. As their chosen charity of the year, we have received a fantastic £401.03 towards our appeal. Many thanks go out to the class, the parents, all supporters and special thanks to Anna Collin, Arusa Nisar and Sophie Glass, to name but a few.
A special assembly was organised for year 13's last day in secondary school. This would have been Thomas Ball's year but in spite of the fact that Tom has passed, the pupils and staff still included him. One of Tom's friends Liam Grimmett read several messages from a special memory book that was written in school just after Tom had died. The youngsters then presented Tom's mother with the priceless book along with a magnificent bouquet of flowers which she later laid on Tom's grave. During the presentation the charity were furnished with a marvellous donation of £1,237.45. The trustees are overwhelmed with this money and thank the Misbourne School for their ongoing support.
Some late donations towards an 18th birthday party have brought in another £166.10. Many thanks to Hannah McManus for suggesting this instead of having presents and thanks for the Euros that were donated, these will help tremendously towards our Disney trips.
Prestwood Infant School's recent sponsored spell has been a success and a wonderful donation of £280 has been raised. We thank all the children for their hard work and parents and staff for their support.
A very substantial donation from Chiltern Railways and John Laing Charitable Trust in support of The Three Peaks Challenge Team, has along with the sponsorship raised from the team members themselves, brought us up to the £40,000 total needed to complete our hospital appeal. Well done to all the guys for doing this and for the company support, we are really grateful.